Sexperts is a sexual health peer-advising group sponsored by Dartmouth College’s Health Resources Department (in Dick’s House). The Coordinator of Health Education Programs serves as our advisor.
What We Do
We coordinate campus-wide education and respond to requests for peer education around issues of healthy sexuality, pleasure-based sexuality, STIs and contraception. Sexperts also provide confidential advising services for students who wish to speak to a peer on an individual basis. As a group, we strive to be inclusive and address all members of the Dartmouth student population.
All persons are sexual, whether we choose to actively express our sexuality or not
Sexuality is a natural and healthy part of living
Individuals express their sexuality in varied ways and it is important to respect and accept the diversity of values and beliefs about sexuality
Individuals and society benefit when people are able to discuss sexuality openly and in a healthy manner
Healthy sexual relationships are consensual and never coercive or exploitative
All persons have the right and responsibility to make healthy sexual choices
Sexperts promote a positive view of sexuality, provide Dartmouth students with information and skills about caring for their sexual health, and help them acquire knowledge to make informed decisions now and in the future